International cooperation

Amgros has a vision to be internationally recognised as a role model in translating healthcare needs into action. Because the medicines market is global and we have to navigate internationally to ensure access to medicines for Danish patients

Together we are larger and stronger. This is the fundamental philosophy behind our work with players in other countries. The medicines market is global, and Denmark is a small country with a small market, but with other countries, we can enhance our position and become a more attractive cooperation partner for medicines suppliers.

Our international cooperation is therefore an important element in securing supplies of medicines for patients at Danish hospitals.

Our international cooperation also gives us insight and overview that we use when we advise and discuss matters concerning developments in the Danish Health service with our national cooperation partners.


Denmark is facing the same challenges as many other countries. In particular, the prices of new drugs and the increasing number of long-term supply disruptions for older drugs. Health threats also traverse national borders. Most recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, and in the future antimicrobial resistance, will threaten world health.

These challenges are difficult to resolve for a single country alone. They require international coordination and common solutions across borders.

Therefore, Amgros has focused on developing international cooperation relationships.

All countries have the same problems with increasing pharmaceuticals prices and growing challenges with regard to security of supply. Therefore, it’s obvious to seek inspiration from our colleagues in other countries. We use resources to strengthen our international cooperation, because we believe that in the longer term this will be in the interests of Danish patients.
Flemming Sonne,


Amgros works with a large number of countries and international organisations, including the EU and the WHO.  The most well developed cooperation is with the other Nordic countries in the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum.

In 2015, Amgros took initiative to establish the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum (Nordisk Lægemiddel Forum). The Nordic countries all faced many of the same challenges: increasing difficulties with supply, increasing expenditure on medicines due to demographic trends, as well as new, and often expensive, treatment options. The Nordic countries were also small markets individually, and were often less attractive to the pharmaceutical industry than larger markets.  

Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Finland therefore joined forces and established the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum in 2015. In continuation of this, in September 2018 Norway and Denmark entered into a political agreement on increased cooperation, including joint tendering procedures and price negotiations. Iceland joined the agreement in 2019.

Read the press release concerning the declaration of intent between Denmark and Norway here. 


The Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum focusses on sharing knowledge and working towards common Nordic solutions. Cooperation is based on the principles of voluntariness, consensus, joint responsibility and joint financing.

So far, cooperation is in six areas, with focus on exchange of experience and mutual inspiration: Horizon Scanning, security of supply, new, expensive medicines, manufacture, sustainability, and joint Nordic tendering procedures.

Cooperation in some areas is under development, while in others it is more specific and proactive. The individual countries are only involved in projects that are relevant for them. For example, Denmark, Norway and Iceland have now completed two joint Nordic tendering procedures for medicines.

Read the article here


The Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum is organised with a steering group comprising representatives from the individual countries as well as seven working groups for prioritised areas.

The steering group includes representatives from each country and a coordinator. Denmark holds the chairmanship.

Read more about the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum here 


In April 2023, the Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum launched a new joint strategy to set the direction for cooperation over the next few years.

The new joint Nordic strategy focuses on three areas. Innovative procurement cooperation. Security of supply. And a strong Nordic voice.

Read the full new joint Nordic strategy for medicines below.

New strategy strengthens Nordic collaboration on medicines

The world is changing: and the Nordic Pharmaceutical Forum is following suit. Therefore, members from the five countries are launching a new strategy to raise ambitions and strengthen collaboration in the medicines area.


European collaboration to bolster access to medicines

Denmark and the other countries in the Nordisk Lægemiddelforum (Nordic Pharmaceuticals Forum) are working with Beneluxa to find procedures to help patients to access new, expensive pharmaceuticals. The countries have published a joint statement.

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International cooperation

National cooperation

Amgros plays an active role in developing the healthcare system. We forge cooperation with and between all parties who help ensure that hospitals have the right pharmaceuticals, hearing aids and medical devices available to treat patients at public hospitals.

International cooperation


We live in a time with serious challenges, not least in relation to our climate and the environment. Therefore, we’re in constant dialogue with our cooperation partners in Denmark and abroad. Because when we listen and work together, we achieve the best results - for all parties


Rasmus Syberg Hazelton

International Senior Advisor and EA to the CEO

I’m responsible for Amgros’ international work. I also help with strategic advice on political issues, and I’m responsible for coordinating management support at Amgros.