Sustainability in tendering procedures

Amgros organises and conducts tendering procedures and procurement for the Danish regions. For medicines and hearing aids. Our ambition to contribute to a more sustainable supply means that we will impose new requirements in our tendering procedures.

Amgros supplies public hospitals with medicines worth around DKK 10 billion annually. We will exploit this position to help the regions meet their climate targets.

Sustainability and the environment will become a natural element in our core task to secure the right medicines for patients at Danish public hospitals.

We will work on two levels.

At a more general level, our framework agreements will stipulate requirements for social responsibility and environmental management.

This means, firstly, that all suppliers will have to respect the international guidelines on responsible corporate behaviour. More specifically, we will require that all suppliers have a due-diligence system in place, so that they can identify, prevent, mitigate and account for current and potential adverse impacts on human rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

We also expect suppliers to work systematically with environmental management, including ongoing environmental improvements.

Even though we have already amended our framework agreements with these new requirements, they will not have any great effect until the New Year, when we establish framework agreements for all the new tendering procedures.

We will regularly update and amend framework agreements so that they follow developments in the area.


Several of the tendering procedures we publish from 2024 will contain packaging criteria for medicines. We will take outset in the Nordic Criteria for More Sustainable Packaging for Healthcare Products.

In order to be able to manage work on evaluating these requirements and criteria, we have to develop our tendering system. It took ten-times longer to evaluate one of our pilot projects with sustainability criteria. Therefore, we are now automating our processes so that, from the beginning of 2024, it will not require more resources to evaluate tendering procedures with environmental criteria.

With regard to sustainability in tendering procedures, as mentioned above, we will not only work at a more general level. We are also working to identify the therapeutic areas and medicines that, according to the literature, constitute the greatest environmental risks. For each of these areas, we will draw up specific environmental criteria based on the environmental risk for the relevant therapeutic areas.

As this is a resource-demanding task, our plan is to deal with one of these areas each year. We expect to announce the first of these procedures in 2024.


Sustainability in tendering procedures

Ambition for sustainability

We supply public hospitals with medicines worth around DKK 10 billion annually. We will exploit this position to help the regions meet their climate targets. Amgros also owns marketing authorisations for the special SAD medicines produced by hospital pharmacies. Therefore, in collaboration with the hospital pharmacies, we will also work towards more sustainable production.

Sustainability in tendering procedures


We live in a time of serious challenges. Therefore, the world’s countries have adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under the Paris Agreement, they are obligated to keep the global temperature rise below two degrees. In Denmark, the government has set a goal to be climate-neutral by 2045. Achieving these goals demands huge efforts from everyone.


Ulrik Wøldike

Head of Tenders

My job is to help chart the strategic direction for pharmaceutical tendering and to work closely with hospital pharmacies and suppliers in order to ensure the most cost-effective health solutions.