Responsible business conduct

At Amgros we adhere to international guidelines on responsible business conduct. We do this by respecting human rights and the environment and preventing corruption in our business operations. We also require suppliers and other business partners to comply with international guidelines on responsible business conduct and respect human rights in the supply chain.

At Amgros, we demonstrate responsible business conduct in our buisness. 

In accordance with the UN's principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Entreprises, we at Amgros have developed a policiy for responsible business conduct. 

Amgros incorporates the policy into out internal policies, procedures and workflows. We also train our employees to comply with the policy and to report propmtly if they become aware of any significant negative impacts.


At Amgros we implement due dilligence, which means that we identify, prevent, mitigate, and account for the negative impacts on human rights and the environment in our supply chain.

This also means that we communicate our efforts and respond clearly if significant negative impacts arise. If we have caused or contributed to such impacts, we provice those affected with access to remedy. 

Amgros expects our business relationships to have a similar due diligence proces. We expect them to address negative impacts on human rights, anti-corruption, and the environment if they arise, and to be able to account for their due dilligence process. 

As a national supplier of medicines and hearing aids to public hospitals and hearing clinics, we will use our purchasing power to influence our business relationships.

Read more about our policy for responsible business conduct here (in Danish)


Anyone who suspects that Amgros has caused, contributed to, or is directly linked to negative impacts on human rights and the environment can report it via our Speak Up. 

You can report and read more about out Speak Up here (in Danish).


Responsible business conduct


We will contribute to reducing the climate impacts of medicinal products through the entire supply chain.

Responsible business conduct

Circular economy

We will contribute to reducing consumption and increasing recycling of packaging and to reducing medicine waste, thereby supporting the UN SDG on responsible consumption and production.

Responsible business conduct

Medicine residues in wastewater and antimicrobial resistance

We will help prevent medicine residues in the aquatic environment and antimicrobial resistance in connection with both production and prescription of medicines. This will support the UN SDG on clean water and sustainable production.


Sofie Pedersen

Senior Sustainability Specialist

I’m responsible for Amgros’ sustainability strategy. I work on promoting sustainability in business activities and routines at Amgros in dialogue and collaboration with my colleagues and Amgros stakeholders.